
Ingredient ao Cubo - Site com Encomendas e Pagamento Online

Based on the use of the simpleCommerce platform, Bluetrend developed a solution that allows IngredientaoCubo, in a simple and intuitive way:

  • Introduce the company, its skills and solutions Manage and make your product catalog available online
  • Manage and make the suggestions of the day available online in terms of the menu
  • Provide a form of contact for hiring tailor-made services - E.g. Catering Allow online purchase and payment

With this tool, IngredientaoCubo now has a digital presence suited to its business, where it can present and make available to its customers the catalog and daily menu suggestions. Customers can (with regard to ordering catalog products) select the desired product, and in the case of some of them select options such as trims, extras and finishes.

In the case of the suggestions of the day, the customer has the possibility to order his menu, indicating, for example, if he wants soup, supplements and also providing some extra information.

In addition to the ordering process, the system also allows payment via MBWay. Thus, the customer has all the convenience of ordering and paying in one place.